WTF is a light-worker anyway?

When you think of the word light-worker, what comes to mind?

A spiritual warrior going to battle with their sword made of crystalline light?

Someone twirling around in a field of dandelions without a care in the world?

What about an alien species with a translucent blue hue whispering sweet nothings in your ear as you sleep about empowerment, awakening and ascension?

The term light-worker is another huge buzz word in the spiritual community and as you may or may not know, I love to dissect words.

WTF is a light-worker anyway?

Who decides who get to be a light-worker and who doesn't?

Why do they get that power?

How can one become a light-worker and why would they want to?

In honor of Gemini season, I believe that it's wise that we all take a beat and really dig into who we believe we are and what we believe we stand for.

I believe that a light-worker is an individual who is spreading love (not to be confused with love & light 🤮 - over that noise).

But someone, who truly understands that love IS the highest vibration possible and with all this talk about timelines, and quantum jumping - wouldn't it make sense that in order to ascend into the timeline of our choice that we would need to be acting in accordance with love, of everything? Of all the things? Of everyone? Right?

To me, a light-worker is someone who is waking up or has woken up from their long slumber within the matrix. We are born asleep, if you think about it (more on that later) - and not only have they finally awakened but they feel a guttural rumble in their tummy to do something about it.

Whether it be:

Self Study of the different pathways of spirituality

Leaving their mainstream job in search of something that is more fulfilling

Moving from their hometown to reach more like minded individuals

Creating community around them that is is alignment with their newfound beliefs.

No matter what it is - a light-worker is someone who sees the pain that the Earth is in and can see quite clearly how her pain is being exacerbated by humans doing inhuman things and how those same humans are inflicting pain on the collective through a number of methods.

A light worker is someone who:

Sees a bigger, brighter, better path for themselves and the collective a whole.

Accepts everyone for who they are and wants that same acceptance back

Is highly intuitive, empathic and believes in the energy that life holds

Sees how magickal they are and what a powerful manifestor they can be in this world

Wants to make an impact while here in Earth school, whether it's on one person or many - they recognize that their words and work is needed here.

In short, if you are here - you're a light-worker, not that you need me to validate you but let's be real, we could all use a bit of validation every now and then :)

Now that we've got that squared away - how do we step into our role as light-workers here in Earth school. I mean, let's be real, there are A LOT of distractions here and sometimes, it can be really easy to back track into outdated versions of yourself that you no longer wish to subscribe to.

These are some of the things I’ve discovered so far on this topic:

We must get used to being uncomfortable. Pushing past our comfort zones is where the magick lies - every single time.

Study, study, study. Immerse yourself in this vast world of magick. Don't just stick to tarot or astrology, study runes and Greek mythology, learn a bit about numerology and shadow work, try different forms of meditation. Make your spiritual path a lifestyle choice not just something or say or do.

Speaking of which, we must practice what we preach. We can't go on and on telling our sister how she needs to create more spaciousness in her life when our schedule is packed to the brim and we barely have time to get 8 hours of rest because someone always needs something somewhere right?

So, why am I talking about all of this?

Because as a spiritual worker, witch and healer my guides have called for me to revamp/upgrade my work to be more accessible to more beautiful light-workers all over the world.

Ashley Michelle

Lightworker, starseed, guide

It is my soul mission to help you AWAKEN to new portals of potential so that you can connect and collaborate with Source energy and your guides with confidence and clarity.

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