New Moon in Scorpio
New Moon in Scorpio.
November 13th, 2023 at 4:26 am EST/1:26 am PST
Ego Death.
Remember my friend, New Moons are about building up energy, and our Full Moons are about releasing the energy that we built up. This New Moon in Scorpio offers us the space to build up the energy that we are looking to expand on.
Scorpio can be seen as the ruler or magician archetype. Scorpio is one of the only signs in the zodiac that is SURE of the power that it holds. Scorpio knows that it's meant for greatness. Scorpio knows that it's meant for wealth, prosperity, and truth, and doesn't care what anybody else thinks about that.
The lessons that we can take from the Scorpio New Moon and Scorpio season itself, are to sit in our power, to sit in our truth, to be honest about what we believe, and how we show up in the world unapologetically.
I think one of the biggest misconceptions about Scorpionic energy is that it's ruthless, and that it's jealous, and that it's even a little crazy, but I think Scorpionic energy is one of the most, if not the most misunderstood sign in the zodiac.
The Scorpio loves what it loves. The Scorpio loves who it loves and the Scorpio wants what it wants. We can look to Scorpio energy to really embody the power that lives within.
One of the biggest pain points that I see in the collective today is this idea of unworthiness.
Of not feeling worthy to hold space, of not feeling worthy to be in power, of not feeling worthy to be who we are.
It is normal to feel like we're going to be judged attacked or ridiculed if we take the mask off.
Scorpio energy is offering us this beautiful opportunity take to take the mask off.
So friends, I ask you on this New Moon in Scorpio to consider a few questions question:
✨ What area of life do you feel like you always have to have the mask on and why? Clearly there's a sense of unsafety in that area of your life.
✨ Why is it that you feel unsafe?
✨ Who in your life makes you feel powerless and why?
✨ How can you take inspired action to take back your power?
✨ What area in life is calling me to do even more shadow?
✨ Is it my physical health is it my personal health, is it my financial health, my relationship health
✨ What area of your life is screaming at you to put a magnifying glass on it? We all have one, at least. Be honest with yourself.
Scorpio is the sign of introspection. This New Moon in Scorpio offers us the invitation to be truly honest with ourselves about some of these things and more.
A simple practice you can do on this New Moon in Scorpio is to journal about these questions above, and an even deeper practice you can do on the New Moon in Scorpio is to work with Black Kyanite.
Hold it in your hands or over your Third Eye while you're in meditation or playing your sound bowl.
Black Kyanite is one of the most psychic stones that we can work with and I found it incredibly useful in my practices and I think you will too!
Happy New Moon my friend!