New Moon in Cancer

At 2:32pm on July 17th we will officially have a new moon in Cancer! I feel like a Cancer new moon may be one of my favorite astrological placements to work with and I'm not just saying that because I'm a Cancer rising!

Cancer energy brings with it safety, security, comfortability and attentiveness and new moons are all about the build.

What are we building and in what area of our lives do we want it in?

With June marking our middle point of the year and the nodes also switching signs the same day as the new moon, this is a wonderful time for you, as a spiritual business owner, to do some intimate inventory of your work and how you serve others in this space.

🔮 Some questions to consider for the new moon 🔮

For my business babes:

💫 Do I feel safe in sharing my work with others online or in person? If so, why? If not, why?

💫 Do I create a safe place for others to express themselves authentically and genuinely inside of my services, offers or containers and how can I continue to improve the safety of the spaces that I create?

💫 How can I make my online or in-person presence feel more like a safe haven for others to enter into? Once they come in - they never want to leave!

💫 How would I describe the word sanctuary and where do I have that in my own life right now?

💫 How can I create a recognizable sanctuary within my brand?

💫 How many repeat clients have I had in the last 6 months and how many repeat clients do I want in the next 6 months?

For my spiritual seekers out there:

💫 How can I make my home feel even more representative of me and my beliefs?

💫 How can I actively take the time out this week to do at least one thing to mother myself a bit more?

💫 How can I actively live in connection with my Spirit team in a more conscious way on a regular basis?

💫 Look around your home, what needs some organization; that one drawer in the kitchen, maybe some cleaning around the garage or the dreaded sock drawer?
💫 What's that one area in your home that would bring you a little piece if it had a bit more structure to it?

To honor this New Moon in Cancer:

Take a bath - do anything with water

Put fresh water on your altar, maybe bless it with your favorite herbs to work with


Sound baths

Get new bed sheets

Spend some telepathic time with your familiars.

Happy New Moon New Earth Leaders!

Ashley Michelle

Lightworker, starseed, guide

It is my soul mission to help you AWAKEN to new portals of potential so that you can connect and collaborate with Source energy and your guides with confidence and clarity.

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