New Moon Vibes this week!

So last night I was in full creation mode. I had this spark of energy and all these downloads come through about 2024, StarSeedShadows and how best to be of service.

Sometimes that does happen, a quick burst of energy but I'm talking I was in werrrkkk mode for like 4 hours and of course, I looked at my transit chart (the chart of the moment crossed with your birth chart) to see what the deal was and of course, I'm in a Mercury return lol.

If you are reading this like, wtf are you talking about girl, let me break it down:

Mercury is the planet of mind and mouth, it governs how you think and how you speak.

A 'return' is when a planet or astrological point in the current sky we are under returns back to the spot it was at in your specific birth chart. For example, Saturn is currently in Pisces so if you have Saturn in Pisces in your birth chart then you are going through a Saturn return.

So, to say the least my Mercury was ACTIVATED! But as I write this, I think it's more than that…

We have the first new moon of the year coming in just a few days, and it just so happens to be in the sign of Capricorn: goal setting, doing the work, and staying steady and consistent. 

New moons = new beginnings 

This couldn't be a better time for you to start laying the ground work for the most beautiful, expansive year you have ever had. 

You deserve growth, happiness and all the laughter in your life. Now is the time to set the stage to attain what it is you deserve and desire.

Setting the stage can be as simple as allowing yourself to be in deep thought about the habits in your life that hold you back andv that aid to your ascension.

Setting the stage can look like taking on a new mentor, beginning the job search or starting a new diet plan.

I think the biggest thing to remember here is that Capricorn represents consistency, so no matter if you honor this new moon in full ritual or maybe you take a more laid back approach - I urge you to ask yourself: How can I be more consistent, all around?

Happy New Moon Dear, be on the lookout - we are serving up some tea this 8 year! 

Ashley Michelle

Lightworker, starseed, guide

It is my soul mission to help you AWAKEN to new portals of potential so that you can connect and collaborate with Source energy and your guides with confidence and clarity.

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