Business Struggles of Lightworkers

“Mentors are cheat codes sis, get you one.”

I believe that everyone is capable of doing their soul work full time.

I don't believe that everyone believes that they can...
It's frustrating to see the most gifted souls holding themselves back from their mission.

Making ego based excuses about setting up their business or putting the systems in place to help them scale. Going in circles in their heads about whether or not to raise their prices. Being afraid to to post authentic content because its TOO REAL, and your great aunt still follows you... and so on, and so on…

I took a step back and asked myself why this frustrated me as your journey does not reflect mine right?


I am frustrated because this was me.
I was holding myself back from my mission, feeling like I had to work for others to pay my bills and live comfortably.

It was always tomorrow when I would add that new service or set up that system.

And I had so much heartfelt, honest, raw content that would stay in drafts out of fear of who would see me that naked, that vulnerable.

Until, I remembered how Sacred I truly am and I recognized and ALLOWED myself to be the Sought After being of light that I am.

Things began to change...

  • I took myself, my work and my soul mission seriously and began to see a vision greater than myself.

  • I began to embody the CEO version of myself and implement the routines, rituals and practices that the next level version of myself would.

  • I began to visualize myself booked & busy

  • I began to visualize all the different ways that I want to reach other lightworkers.

Then it happened...

Sacred & Sought After

I created Sacred & Sought After as a one-on-one business mentorship for lightworkers.

We tend to have the spiritual side of things down, it's the business back-end that needs some work.

  • What's a lead magnet?

  • How do I set up emails?

  • What do I post about?

  • How do I distinguish myself from others?

  • How do I work through issues with being seen?

  • Do I need to LLC?

  • My money trauma is showing up...

Sound familiar?

you don’t have to do it alone.

Join Sacred & Sought After for a hand to hold while stepping fearlessly into your soul mission.


Ashley Michelle

Lightworker, starseed, guide

It is my soul mission to help you AWAKEN to new portals of potential so that you can connect and collaborate with Source energy and your guides with confidence and clarity.

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