
My reading with Star Seed Witch was such a profound blessing.

Her energy came through so powerfully, even on a Zoom call. She listened to my questions to spirit with an open heart and channeled my message with grace. I am new to reading Tarot, so to have her guidance in this reading was invaluable. So much of what she presented me what exactly what I’ve been intuitively feeling, hearing from my guides through divination, and yet it was also so much deeper. She is not only an incredibly talented Tarot guide, she’s also remarkable effective at relating the messages from the tarot reading in a way that was light-hearted, powerful and simultaneously grounded in hope for the future. Thank you, Star Seed Witch. I love forward to our next session!

— Emily (@covenofcourage)

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Star Castle Studio

“My year ahead reading literally blew me away.

She predicted me being cancelled practically to the date – pulling the tower, the evil eye, and the 9 of cups. She has the gift of sight and vision unlike anyone I’ve ever met. And I’m so grateful for her gift.

Go follow and book a reading from these powerful, magical, seriously iconic mystics. They’re 10000x worth it and more!”

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Star Castle Studio

“My question could of been a very broad but as I went into more detail with Ashley of what I was really trying to ask and where it was coming from she got a much better idea and understanding for the reading. Everything was so spot on. Every card that was drawn I instantly connected with an each card was explained so well, so throughly, I felt as if she could translate everything going on in my brain without me even having to say one word. And at the end of the reading the 3 oracle cards was the icing on the cake that I needed. they summarized the reading so well and made send of everything. I came out of this reading so inspired, happy, motivated, driven, passionate, just overrall feeling good. ”


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Star Castle Studio