Are you someone who has always felt a bit out of place here on Earth?
I remember the first time I learned what a StarSeed was and I felt my whole body vibrate. StarSeeds are very special beings sent here to help humanity (for lack of a better word) figure it the fuck out. But why should you have to figure it out alone. Inside the StarSeed Starter Kit you will find an introduction into what you do best…channeling. StarSeeds are channels and are often sent here on Earth with a galactic team helping them along the way.
This course bundle is perfect for the starseed looking to develop a better relationship with their spirit team, learn who they are as a starseed and create a deeper connection with their over-soul, soul star chakra and channel.
what’s inside:
The Shit They Don’t Tell You About Waking Up:
This course is for the person moving through a spiritual awakening. It can be very scary when you begin to realize that the world you one knew is actually much bigger and even more complex than you realized. Spiritual awakenings are the first step to taking control of the path of your life and you shouldn't do it alone. In this course we cover ascension symptoms, what a spiritual awakening actually is and debunking some of the common myths around the awakening process.
Healing Your Relationship with Trauma:
Starseeds are often individuals who have worked through a lot of trauma early on in life. We must first acknowledge and learn how to work through this trauma to make space for us to channel the clearest messages from our soul team. Inside this course you will receive easy-to-do practices to begin or to continue your path to healing.
Developing Your Psychic Claire’s:
Do you identify as clairvoyant? What about clairsentient? Or claircognizant? We are all a little bit of at least one of these but some of us are more in tune than others, inside this course learn how to identify which Psychic claire is more prominent in you and how to develop it.
Introduction to Channeling:
This two part course will help you learn how to channel with confidence, ease and clarity. The biggest question I get as a spiritual teacher is how to channel or am I making it up or what if I’m wrong. This is all just ego noise and through this course you will learn how to cut out the noise and listen to the messages that want to come through.
The Akashic Records Meditation:
Have you been curious about your Akashic Records? This meditation is here to be a guide for you throughout your spiritual practice now and for years to come. Work with this meditation to open up your own records and see what’s inside.